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Sunday, February 20, 2022

A Note About Kaaren


Some of you may have noticed a sudden end to "Kaaren's" posts last Tuesday.
The truth of the matter is that by Tuesday afternoon my husband had become quite ill and was taken via ambulance to our local hospital on orders of our family physician.
His diagnosis was pneumonia.
"Kaaren" was admitted and placed on broad spectrum antibiotics intravenously, and oxygen.
On Wednesday they placed him on a ventilator to help him breathe.
Thursday he was responding well enough to the drugs that they felt it would be alright to take him back off the ventilator.
His lungs were clearing and he continued to improve on  Friday although still not enough to allow me to bring him home.
They've held him this weekend and continued the antibiotics and I've just gotten off the phone with my Doctor who, to my joy, told me I can check him out and bring him home on Monday!
He will still need some care at home and I must be vigilant for any reoccurring symptoms, but my Sweetheart will be home with me and that's all that counts!
I don't know when he might start posting to his blogs again, probably sooner rather than later.
I got off the phone with him not long ago and he asked me to post this update.
So there you have it.


  1. Thank you SO very much for the update. It was noticed and commented on, and I am very glad to hear that, while serious, Kaaren is past the worst and will be returning home soon. Don't let Kaaren rush back to the PC too fast, getting better is the important thing.

    May I say Kaaren is EXTREMELY lucky to have such a caring, supportive wife?

  2. I am so sorry to hear Kaaren has been so unwell Mrs K. That must have been a really difficult time for you both but i am delighted to hear that she is coming home soon. Please wish her a speedy recovery and give her a sloppy wet kiss from me


  3. Please see my comment on Such a Siisy. xxx

  4. Oh my goodness! Quite an eventful week for you and "Kaaren"! So glad to hear that it sounds like "Kaaren" is on the mend! Keep an eye on him, as it seems like she can get into trouble easily!

    Please give Kaaren my best and let her know that I am thinking about him, and also you as well. I know you are a strong woman, but things like this can really take a lot out of you, so please do give yourself some time to recover as well. Let's hope this is the last health scare for you two for awhile!

  5. Here's wishing Kaaren a speedy and full recovery. thank you for your update.

  6. I am hyperventilating with care and relief!
    I suspected something and began to worry.
    Thank you so much for this explanation, I am sure I speak for all faithful readers when I say how glad I am that Kaaren is going to be OK... and just as importantly "Mrs.K"

    All our love

  7. Kaaren, I hope you feel a little better every day. Get well soon!
