My Blog List

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Proper Posture

Sometimes it's difficult to maintain your proper posture while wearing extremely high heels.....but she's found a way to help me and....if nothing does help me to stand straight and tall like she insists!!!!

Friday, May 29, 2020


Yes....just like most of you we find ourselves with lots of time on our hands....
Today she felt like braiding my hair....and she got a little experimental.....I don't like it but she does.....and she's the boss so it stays this way till tomorrow when I wash it away...

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Farm

Down on the farm the new sissy crop was almost ripe for picking....

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

New Job

"Okay everything's in can start in the'll be hauling a load to New York City...."
"That'll be great....and thanks so much....I really needed this job...."
"Oh I almost'll need a uniform...."
"No that's alright....I've already got one."

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Monday, May 25, 2020

For Kids

"Hey.....want to play on my see-saw?"
"No....that's for kids..."
"Not the way I play it!!!!"

Sunday, May 24, 2020


He was so happy when his sissy was delivered and she came with clear, easy to follow, instructions....

Saturday, May 23, 2020


Sometimes you wonder why a particular sign is posted in a specific spot.....
In this case....clearly a bad decision was made here....

Friday, May 22, 2020


I don't really know what the point was.....I had absolutely no intention of taking it off!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2020


" turn your head a little to the open your mouth as wide as you can.....oh my god Sissy.....I think I can see daylight!!!!"

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

High School

Just about every high school boy at some point believed that this was what was going on in the girls locker room!!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

And The Winner Is

"And the award for the best Sissy Comedy Blog goes to Sissy Kaaren!!!! Come up here Kaaren, and we'll see how much you like your new trophy!!!!"

Monday, May 18, 2020

Never Dream

Don't worry Sissy.....I'd never dream of sending you to the market without a mask....I know it's a little wet but don't let that bother you!!!!! That's just a bonus for you!!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Saturday, May 16, 2020


Whenever we went out she said I was always too obvious....she said it was like everyone knew what I was thinking about!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Her favorite

"Nice dress...." the cashier said with a grin...
"It was my wife's.....we were married for forty years before I lost was one of her favorites and when I wear it I feel like she's still with me...."
"Awww that's so sweet....."
"In a way I guess this dress was why I lost her....."
"Well when she came home and caught me wearing it she left me and moved in with the mailman.....she told me I should keep it....she didn't want it anymore...."
" in line...."

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Look Closely

I'm looking and I can almost hear the theme from 2001 A Space odyssey playing....

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Guardian Angel

"Hey Barkeep.....bring me a double bourbon and leave the bottle...."
"Tough day at work?"
"You don't know the half of it....."
"So....what do you do...."
"I'm a guardian Angel...."
"That must be pretty tough...."
"I've seen things you wouldn't believe!!!!"
 "C' couldn't be that bad...."
"I'm Sissy Kaaren's Guardian Angel...."
"Oh Jeez.....look the first round is on me...."

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Home School

Young Bobby decided that despite all the drawbacks to the quarantine, he was learning so much more during his home schooling!!!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Monday ManCandy

Due to Social Distancing requirements we have arranged to have your treat automatically fired into your mouth from over six feet away....
In fact to be safe you should probably be at least twenty feet away!!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Me and Teddy

Sometimes....late at I lay in my bed with my teddy.....listening, through the thin walls, to my wife make love with her boyfriend.....sometimes Teddy just loses control!!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Latest Mask Fashion

The thong mask by Victoria's Secret.....the must have fashion accessory!!!!

Friday, May 8, 2020


"I ordered a pizza for us Kaaren....they're delivering again and I figured you could use a break from cooking..."
"Thanks Sweetheart....did you ask for...."
"Yes Kaaren....I asked for the large meat pie!!!"
"That's my favorite!!!"
"I know Sissy....I know...."

Thursday, May 7, 2020

How Long

"Oh my god.....Trevor!!!! How long has this been going on???"
"Honey please I can explain....."
"I can't believe you kept this from me.....I trusted could you do a thing like this to me?"
"Well you see....I didn't mean's just that...."
"No!!!! I don't want to hear anymore of your lies....I can't believe you had all this toilet paper and you didn't tell me....didn't share it with me!!!! Pull up your panties and come downstairs....and be prepared for a thorough spanking!!!!!"

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


She purred like a kitten as I reached between her legs to stroke her soft little pussy....her perfect little white warm....

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sissy Porn

Sissy Porn?
You want Sissy Porn?
Well I can tell you as a Sissy myself.....that this is Sissy Porn!!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2020

So Here You Are

" you are!!!!! Did you think I was joking when I said that you couldn't go bowling with your buddies?"
"Honey....can we discuss this at home later...."
"What did I say I would do? Tell me what did I say I would do?"
"You said you'd spank front of everyone...."
"Honestly Sissy....after all this time.....did you think I didn't mean it?"
"Not really....I guess...."

Sunday, May 3, 2020


Sure, it's art.....but I'm pretty sure she bought it as a reminder, for me, of my shortcomings!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Saturday Matinee

As soon as I finish setting up the reel I'll rush down to thank Dee for has certainly fallen off since the virus came.....
On the plus side it allows me to offer a lot more personalized appreciation to my audience.....and regardless of the movie I'm sure Dee will walk out of here with a smile under her mask!!!!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Feeling Better

"I can tell you're feeling better Sissy....the rosy glow is back in your cheeks!!!"