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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Changing Rooms

 "I think this one will fit me Honey...."
"Oh no Sissy....I'm not driving you back to exchange another thing that you "thought" would fit....go try it on!!!"
"But the changing rooms are closed...."
"I don't see that as a problem's not like you're trying on a nightie...."
"No Ma'am..."
"No Ma'am!!!!"
"I meant it wasn't like a nightie....I would never say no to you Ma'am!!!"
"You just go over by that mirror and try it on....I'm going to look for the matching panties...."
"Yes Ma'am!!!"

1 comment:

  1. I love when my wife has me try something on in the dressing room and has me come out to show her. Several people have seen me in baby dolls and skirts that I tried on.
