My Blog List

Saturday, April 18, 2020


My sweet husband "Kaaren" asked me to post an update to his blog followers, so here you have it.
He's doing much better but my personal physician has recommended he continue bed rest for a few more days and I quite concur.
Thank goodness the tests for COVID-19 came back as negative for the both of us and I have been feeling well and haven't any of the symptoms "Kaaren" has displayed.
He had a fever of 101 which later went up to 102.
He had chills that made him shiver even under blankets.
For two days he didn't eat and only drank when I forced him to.
He could barely manage the strength to get out of bed to go to the bathroom.
My friend, call her Dr.V, a friend of mine since college, came to examine him as soon as she could. She told me not to bring him to the hospital under any circumstances, unless his fever continued to climb. which thankfully it did not.
After climbing to 102 his fever declined back to a little over 100 but it was persistent.
Dr.V drew blood for testing and did swab tests on both of us, which, as I previously said, were negative.
"Kaaren" has the flu, she's already getting better. I can tell because her stubborn streak is coming out once again.
He's insisting that he'll be fine in a couple of hours and this morning he stumbled into my bedroom to ask me if I wanted him to prepare my breakfast.
He had such an earnest expression on his face I almost felt I was being cruel when I walked him back to bed and admonished him to stay there.
So there you have it. He's sleeping right now and the worst is past.
I checked and he currently has no temperature.
He'll be back to his blogging soon.
Thank you for all the good wishes, he hasn't seen them yet but I'm sure he'll thank you all when he's able.

Mrs. K

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for the update. we miss Kaaren, and hope Kaaren will be back online soon, but do not rush it for us. Take care of yourselves
